
House Party History 1991

#mar711tr in there somewhere too….

at 4.30 min. In Finnish. :))))

Blogposts Principles

Audio: About Our Movement and Being a Human Being

#mar711tr being emotional on a Sunday morning. But also about our values, mindset and goals. Listen to the end. Thank you. Six minutes, which will change your life.

You can follow my deep audio diary on https://markus-lochmann.de Join me.

EDIT: Über das Techno Movement

Über das Techno Movement

Markus Audio diary

A message to the world.
Blogposts Principles

About Likes and Follows

About likes and follows

(transcribing from an audio on May 11th 2021 in Stuttgart, Uhlbach. Germany)

Hey, guys.  It’s Markus here, hi. I just got back from shopping. I was sitting on the bus, it’s raining. It’s bad weather. People are all in bad, sad mood, in Corona fears and angers and stuff. So I was thinking about Instagram, about likes, posts, people you are communicating with… Now, there is a theory in communications …. A theory, which says, that, in your normal everyday life you can only communicate with a maximum of thirty people. That’s your home base. That’s the people you go to talk to. You share your feelings with. And – in this theory – when people ask you for help, when they really need, if they share their thoughts, Angsts, fears, then they are in the top ten of your communication partners. (special shoutout here to Ibiza, no names mentioned. But thank you so much for your trust)

So, now we are in this world where we as artists, as DJs, as producers, as agency owners, as record label owners, are, as in my case as an author, are living a life, where we are depending on the likes and follows. And we’re pretending that that is REAL communication between us.

Well, it CAN be. But it mostly it isn’t.

So, for my part, I’ve chosen to keep my circle small. I don’t care about like numbers, about follower numbers. About page views.

All I care about, is the people I’m talking to. On a personal level. And, as said, you can’t have much more than thirty.

So, if you are one of my followers, who have 10,000, 50,000 some people even 600,000 or 1,5 million followers: Don’t expect from them to receive ANY communications. They don’t love you as a human being. They love you as a product. They love, what you produce – not what you think.

I call them “leachers”, leaching your mind. They are consuming your thoughts and feelings to compensate their own. But that’s NOT real communication for me. And therefore not interesting.

I’ve been doing web for about thirty years? And social media since the beginning. I’ve killed several Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Myspace and what not Accounts with tens of thousands of followers -because I discovered that it was just emptiness.

You can do it, as a brand, as a product. But you possibly can’t do it as a person.

Actually, I’m writing an article about it – it’s called “why I DIDN’T become a DJ”, where I point the whole thing out much more seriously and thoroughly – and theoretically.

Because everything I’m doing, I’m writing, I’m saying, has that theoretical background.

And the people, who follow me longer, know that. I don’t post any BS up there. No. I think about, what I’m doing.

And that’s why my community, which I am building at @technoresistance711 is a professional community. It’s not for the everyday people on the street. I’m not selling a product. ActuallyI’m not selling anything. I’m just doing, what I do. I tell you my thoughts and thinking and hope… no I know, only because of my advice, my wisdom I’m going to make a living out of it.

Sure, I need to sell something too. That’s my stories. That’s my poetry, that’s my books. That’s MY product. But don’t be mistaken. It’s a product. It’s not me.

So, I’m addressing here a few very special people, the people involved know who they are, and know who I’m talking to.

Where I want to go with this, is to establish a deep communications network. Where we share, comment, and originate each other’s thinking. That’s my goal.

How we do it, each and every one of us, at different places, either you have an agency, you do workshops, you are are DJ/ne, a performer, an artist, a photographer, you are (a model, hey, India/Colombia! #edit) in advertising, whatever. That’s the product level.

Where I want to go with you, is the personal level. And I’m feeling it right now. The community is building. We are mind wise the same, we think the same, do many of us, the same things…

which is, in the end transforming the energy of the universe  into beauty. Or wisdom.

[…only in the audio]

By the way, the deepest thoughts, I WON’T post on “social” media, but only on my private website. So, if you want to read that, go there. (https://markus-lochmann.de #edit)

That’s it for now. I thank everybody, especially the newcomers, the young kids somewhere in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nepal or Mongolia – or wherever you are, in India. Oh, my condolences to India and Colombia (love you, Colombia!)

Yeah, and we are going to go on from here. Build this network, share our thoughts. And keep it small. It’s the old principle: K.I.S.S. keep it simple, stupid!  

Thanks for listening (here, reading).

Bye for now, Markus

(PS. I love you all)

(PPS. If you don’t like us, what we, I am doing, just block, unfollow. But don’t post hate comments. Not responding. Okay? Thanks.)

Bild von Free-Photos auf Pixabay


We 89ers

Written in 2010 (Magazine Article)

We 89ers

I am part of a youth movement. After twenty years now it’s alive and kicking like ever before. New generations have joined it – style and rhythms have changed over the time. But still – what began in underground clubs, garages and empty warehouses is still standing strong against the flow of time. It resists the constant grinding of commercialism. The Techno Movement is alive. Despite of the Love Parade disaster in Duisburg we are moving on – because we have values in common.

A simple 40 Watt light bulb, reprogrammed by an electrical engineering student to function as a stroboscopic light, pulsating to the rhythm of the small loudspeaker we had, one turntable(!), lots of small vinyl records with white labels without any names on them, and five twitching bodies in an old garage. That’s how my very personal story with electronic dance music began. It was the year 1987.

None of my friends, fellow students or even anyone who I knew wanted to hear the music. The pumping basses were too unfamiliar, the hissing tin drum sounds, the squeaking synthesizers. This music was nowhere to be heard – not on the radio, not in the music store. You couldn’t buy the records. We got them from London – through dark channels directly from the producers themselves.

We were few. We were different. Right from the beginning we stood for an new way of life: No rules, but 100% tolerance. We had to shield our community against the outside world – after all the conservatives would defame our music as “drug music”, our parties were described as “orgies” and so on. As always, when the majority in society is confronted with something new, there are rumors spread and lies told – mostly by people who haven’t got the slightest idea, what they are talking about.

Our only connecting element was the music.

Our only connecting element was the music. We came from all wakes of life – doctor’s sons were there, as were mechanics out of work. Many were young, but not all. Many were and are even today creatives – as artists, DJs, music producers, or in advertising or PR agencies.

The word about our parties spread fast. Mostly because we started always after midnight and never ended before seven in the morning. We violated every opening rule possible – and that was good so. We didn’t want to give away our freedom to live our lifestyle the way we wanted by getting some permit from some authorities. We gave a sh*t about the state. The world was changing, whole countries collapsed, dictatorships were thrown over by protesters. And we, the small group of music freaks, overthrew the rules of the nightly sleeping. That was our protest.

The number of people who came to our parties grew fast. At the beginning we were a few dozens, then a few hundred. We became more professional, locations and sound equipment got bigger. We still stole the electricity from the neighbor. The meetings were still conspirative, the location of the party would be communicated through phone chats and flyer at the same evening it was held. You’d still need an invitation to get to the party.

The state authorities took notice of us, of course. Soon they’d send undercover agents in our dark warehouses, which we had turned into dance caves by covering the windows with black plastic waste bags, stroboscopic lights and slide projectors. They’d let us do our thing, paradoxically. Maybe it was due to the overall freedom spirit of the time, maybe the city was just proud of having a party scene like this in town. (you see, the political aspect isn’t anything new, it’s not related do Duisburg at all).

We were „heroes of the night“.

The media eventually discovered us – covered in gas masks we were interviewed anonymously. We were “heroes of the night. We were “in” and incredibly cool. Some of us opened legal clubs, others record stores, some would design techno clothing. Somehow national TV got into one of our parties and broadcasted nationwide. That was the beginning of commercialism.

Until then we had managed to hold on to our principles – love, freedom, peace, tolerance. The mottos you’d see on the big raves today aren’t just empty words – they were and are lived by “real” raves until today. We didn’t care about looks, clothes, languages, nationalities, sexes or skin color. Everyone was equal – equal before the music. The only criteria to belong to us, was the love for electronic dance music – the dancing and surrender to the sound, sometimes even reaching the highly praised state of trance.

We didn’t consume any drugs. Why should we? Drugs would have falsified the experience of the music, distort, weakened it, made it narrower. That’s why I’m still laughing at ravers with beer cans today – alcohol is a tranquilizer. Ergo the exact opposite of what you as a techno dancer want.

Of course there were people who wanted to use the now half illegal space and tried to sell drugs at our parties. And – there were the multiple number of people who wanted to buy drugs from us(!). We threw them out, without any mercy. Per se the attitude of any real friend of techno/house is against drugs. Who knows how to dance, doesn’t need them. They produce bad behavior, envy, greed, health hazards and much more damaging things. That’s why there are signs at every love mobile at the street parade in Zürich even today, saying “No drugs”. That’s not an empty phrase. The real connoisseurs of the music dance to the motto “music is our only drug”. And that is true.

Of course the subject was pushed in the media. The conservatives increased the pressure on the authorities – there were first raids. Besides a fine because of disturbance of peace the consequences were minor. On the contrary: In collaboration with the authorities our parties were finally legalized – there were regulatory requirements and inspections. But we were moving on.

In the 90s the techno movement was the biggest youth movement this planet has ever seen. It brought millions of people together, all over the world. Like nothing else ever before. The upcoming technology of the internet spread the music, often produced by small artists, further. New stars were born. New record labels. A billion-dollar industry was founded around the techno movement, ending in brands like “Red Bull”, which are global players today.

Over two decades our values of the garage have survived: Respect, tolerance, love, freedom. They shine deep into society, which has legalized many things, a society that has now this youth movement as a solid part.

Our values: Respect, tolerance, love, freedom.

For me, who was there from the beginning, today in 2010, it’s one thing extremely important to mention: Without those values those big parades and parties would never have been possible. With an audience from all social groups, drunk, envious and petty bourgeois such events would have ended in chaos much sooner – just take a look at every football arena.

That’s not who we were, that’s not who we want to be. We 89ers. And if our parades degenerate to commercial carnivals, if our values of absolute tolerance and the love for our music are lost – then we should end them.

One motto on a love mobile at the Street Parade 2010 said: “Back To The Roots”. A truck, in plain simple black, without the go go glitter girls, without a show, only a DJ. And really LOUD music, hard, raw, forcing you to dance. I liked that.

And some others too – who could be my children. LOL.  

Greets from Stuttgart, Germany


#mar711tr #technoresistance711

(Picture: Me in 1995)


Back To Normal?

Hey #technopeople, today I want to talk to about a few fundamentals behind this project.

During this Corona pandemic our music industry and fans all over the world have suffered greatly. Yes, it’s a serious illness. You all need to be careful and protect yourself and others.

Does anybody of you really think, things will go back to “normal” after this? No. Here’s why.

During this pandemic, our freedom rights have been deprived in all societies. Even in the most liberal ones. Conservative forces in society are using the pandemic to get rid of – in their sight of things – unwanted elements in society by law.

And yes, in many regards we #technopeople are unwanted elements for conservatives. We are different. We are loud. We live and party in the night, when the conservative wants to sleep.

We are tolerant, open, peaceful and loving. Quite the opposite from what the political system of states is today. That causes envy and misunderstanding in the so called “upper class”, it makes them uncomfortable.

That’s one reason, they want to prevent us from raising again. They do this by not helping suffering club owners or DJs. By keeping the clubs shut as long as possible, many will shut forever.

We won’t let that happen. That’s why we founded technoresistance711.org. We aren’t some young fools, we are all people in the midst of life, with careers, family and all.

But we defend our different lifestyle.


How do we do that? Peacefully, of course. Through our music and with the better argument.

It’s been often said, that techno is nonpolitical. That’s not true. It has always had that element to it too.

Now, this is what I want YOU to do: Spread the word. Share the manifest. Each and everyone of you at his and her place. Regardless of your age, race, religion, profession or social status YOU can do something.

Play the #music, of course. Play it loud! But you can do more. Reach out to your friends and peers. Have discussions about the mindset behind our lifestyle, our set of values. Love, peace, happiness.

Happy music for happy people!

We are not on this planet to fight wars or to feel miserable.

If you can’t contribute by sharing, I do understand that in some positions you can’t openly talk about these things, you can contribute otherwise. On my soundcloud.com/soulseeker69 you’ll find an attribution button. The project needs people and resources for equipment and social media work to really grow into a big movement.

#techno today is a multibillion-dollar industry. We can bring a million people to the street, everybody kissing and hugging each other, dancing, having fun. Which other movement can do that? None.

Therefore, please take action, locally and on social media. YOU are important, right there where you are now. Each and every one of you.

This is OUR world – we need to build it the way WE want it to be. Especially after the pandemic.

Thank you for reading.

I love you.

Greets from Stuttgart, Germany

Markus #mar711tr #technoresistance711

Picture: 8926 on Pixabay


Wir 89er

Geschrieben im Jahr 2010 von Markus Lochmann

Wir 1989er

Ich bin Teil einer Jugendbewegung. Nach nunmehr über 20 Jahren lebt und pulsiert sie wie eh und je. Neue Generationen sind nachgewachsen – Stil und Rhythmen haben sich im Laufe der Jahre verändert. Und dennoch – was in Untergrund-Klubs, Garagen und ausgedienten Lagerhallen begann, trotzt noch immer dem Zahn der Zeit und des beständigen Zermahlen des Kommerziellen. Die Techno-Bewegung lebt. Trotz Duisburg geht es weiter – weil uns Werte verbinden.

Eine kleine, einfache 40-Watt Glühbirne, von einem pfiffigen Elektrotechnikstundenten mit dem Pegel des Lautsprecherausgang zu einem Flackerlicht geschaltet – ein(!) Plattenspieler, viele kleine Vinylscheiben ohne Etikett und fünf zuckende Leiber in einer alten Garage. So fing meine ganz persönliche Geschichte mit der elektronischen Tanzmusik an. Das war im Jahr 1987.

Keiner meiner Freunde, Kommilitonen oder Bekannten wollte die Musik hören. Zu ungewohnt waren die tief wummernden Bässe, die zischenden Blechtrommellaute und die quietschenden Synthesizer-Töne. Nirgends war diese Musik zu hören – nicht im Radio, nicht im Musikladen. Kaufen konnte man die Platten auch nicht. Wir bezogen Sie aus London –  auf dunklen Kanälen direkt von den Machern der Musik.

Wir waren wenige. Wir waren anders. Von Anfang an standen wir für ein völlig neues Lebensgefühl: Keine Regeln, aber es herrschte 100% Toleranz. Wir mussten unsere Gemeinschaft nach außen abschotten – schließlich wurden wir in „bürgerlichen“ Kreisen als „Drogenmusik“ verunglimpft, unsere Partys waren „Orgien“ und anderes mehr. Wie immer, wenn die Mehrheit in einer Gesellschaft auf Neues trifft, regiert das Vorurteil, werden Gerüchte gestreut und Halbwahrheiten verbreitet – meistens von denjenigen, die keinerlei Ahnung haben, von was sie eigentlich reden.

Unser einzig verbindendes Element war die Musik.

Wir kamen aus allen Schichten der Gesellschaft – Söhne von Oberärzten waren unter uns genauso wie arbeitslose Mechaniker. Viele waren jung – aber nicht alle. Viele waren und sind Kreative – als Künstler, DJ, Musikproduzenten, in Werbe- und PR-Agenturen wirken wir bis heute.

Rasch verbreitete sich in der Szene das Wort von unseren Partys – nicht zuletzt deshalb, weil wir immer erst nach Mitternacht begannen – und nie vor sieben Uhr morgens endeten. Wir verstießen damit gegen jede Öffnungszeitenregel, die es gab – und das war gut so. Wir wollten uns die Freiheit nicht nehmen lassen, unsere Art des Lebens von offiziellen Stellen nehmen oder genehmigen zu lassen. Wir pfiffen auf den Staat. Die Welt war im Umbruch – ganze Staaten fielen, Diktaturen wurden durch protestierende gestürzt. Und wir, die kleine Gruppe von Musik-Freaks, stürzten die Regeln der nächtlich Ruhenden. Das war unser Protest.

Schnell wuchs die Teilnehmerzahl bei unseren Partys. Erst waren es einige Dutzend – dann einige hundert. Wir wurden professioneller, die Locations und die Anlagen wurden größer. Noch immer zapften wir den Strom illegal vom Nachbarn. Noch immer waren die Treffen konspirativ – per Telefon und Flyer wurde die Location erst am Abend der Party bekannt gegeben. Noch immer brauchte man eine Empfehlung eines Insiders, um auf die Party zu kommen.

Die Staatsmacht wurde natürlich auf uns aufmerksam. Bald sendete sie Spitzel in unsere düsteren Lagerhallen, die wir mit schwarzen Müllsäcken vor den Fenstern, Stroboskoplampen und Diaprojektionen zu Tanzhöhlen verwandelten. Man ließ uns, paradoxerweise, gewähren.

Vielleicht war es der allgemeinen Freiheitsstimmung geschuldet – vielleicht war man in der Stadt einfach auch stolz darauf eine solche Partyszene zu haben. (Sie sehen – die politische Dimension ist beileibe nichts Duisburg-Spezifisches oder Neues).

Die Medien entdeckten uns schließlich – mit Gasmasken vermummt und anonym wurden wir interviewt. Wir waren „Helden der Nacht“. Wir waren „in“ und unglaublich cool. Einige von uns eröffneten legale Clubs, andere Plattenläden, wieder andere designten Klamotten. Irgendwann schaffte es das Fernsehen auf eine (offizielle) Party und wir waren prominent in einer landesweiten Sendung zu sehen. Das war der Beginn des Kommerzes.

Unsere Grundsätze: Liebe, Freiheit, Frieden, Toleranz. Und die die Liebe zur elektronischen Tanzmusik

Bis dahin hatten unsere Grundsätze immer noch gehalten – Liebe, Freiheit, Frieden, Toleranz. Die auf den großen Veranstaltungen von heute geäußerten Mottos sind keineswegs leere Sätze – sie wurden und werden von den „echten“ Ravern bis heute gelebt. Wir interessierten uns nicht für Aussehen, Kleidung, Sprache, Nationalität, Geschlecht oder Hautfarbe. Jeder war gleich – gleich vor der Musik. Das einzige Kriterium, um dazu zu gehören, war die Liebe zur elektronischen Tanzmusik – das Tanzen und die Hingabe in den Sound – bis hin zur Erreichung vielgeschworenen Trance.

Wir nahmen keine Drogen – warum auch? Drogen hätten das Erlebnis der Musik nur verschleiert, verzerrt, geschwächt, geschmälert. Darum lache ich auch heute noch über „Raver“ mit Bierdosen – Alkohol ist ein Beruhigungsmittel! Also das genaue Gegenteil, von dem, was man als Technotänzer will.

Natürlich gab es Leute, die den mittlerweile halb-illegalen Raum nutzen wollten und versuchten, Drogen auf unseren Partys zu verkaufen. Und: Es gab ungleich mehr Menschen, die zu uns kamen, um Drogen zu kaufen(!). Wir warfen sie hinaus, gnadenlos. Per se war und ist die die Einstellung eines jeden echten Freundes von Techno/House gegen Drogen. Wer tanzen kann, braucht sie nicht. Sie verursachen Fehlverhalten, Neid, Raffgier, gesundheitliche Gefahren und vieles andere Schädliche mehr. Auch deshalb klebt an jedem Lovemobil der Street Parade auch heute noch das Plakat „No drugs“. Das ist kein leerer Spruch. Die echten Kenner der Musik tanzen eh nach dem Motto „Music is our only drug“. Das stimmt auch.

Selbstverständlich wurde das Thema in den Medien gepusht. Der Druck der Konservativen auf die Behörden wuchs – es gab erste Razzien. Bis auf ein Bußgeld wegen Ruhestörung waren die Konsequenzen gering. Im Gegenteil: In Zusammenarbeit mit den Behörden wurden die Partys schließlich legalisiert – es gab zwar Auflagen und Kontrollen. Aber es ging weiter.

In den neunziger Jahren war die Technobewegung die größte Jugendbewegung, die es jemals auf diesem Planeten gegeben hat. Sie verband Millionen von jungen Menschen überall auf der Erde, wie nichts anderes zuvor. Die aufkommende Technik des Internets verbreitete die oftmals von kleinen Künstlern produzierte Musik immer weiter. Neue Stars entstanden, neue Plattenfirmen. Um die Technobewegung wurde eine milliardenschwere Industrie gegründet, gipfelnd in Marken wie „Red Bull“, die heute Global Player sind.

Über zwei Jahrzehnte haben sich die Werte aus unserer Garage erhalten: Respekt, Toleranz, Liebe, Freiheit. Sie strahlen weit in die Gesellschaft hinein, die vieles liberalisiert hat, die die Jugendkultur als festen Bestandteil integriert hat.

Für mich, der von Anfang an dabei war, ist heute in 2010 extrem wichtig, eines festzustellen: Ohne diese Werte wären die großen Paraden und Partys niemals möglich gewesen. Mit einem Publikum aus anderen Schichten, alkoholisiert, aggressiv, neidisch und kleinbürgerlich, wären solche Veranstaltungen schon viel früher im Chaos geendet – ein Blick in jedes Fußballstadion genügt.

Das waren wir nie, das wollen wir nicht sein. Wir 1989er. Und wenn unsere Paraden zu kommerziellen Volksfesten verkommen, wenn unsere Werte der absoluten Toleranz und der Liebe zur Musik verloren gehen – dann sollten wir sie beenden.

Ein Mottowagen auf der Street Parade 2010 lautete: „Back to the Roots“. Ein Wagen, schlicht in matt schwarz, ohne Glitzer-TänzerInnen, ohne Show, nur ein DJ. Dazu echt LAUTE Musik, hart, roh, zum Tanzen zwingend. Das hat mir sehr gefallen.

Und einigen anderen auch – die meine Kinder sein könnten. LOL.

(Bild von Loryn auf Pixabay)


A part of my story

Okay, people. It is time. I want to share something really important to me with you.

What has happened? Well, I’ve been fighting with anxiety, pain and addiction since I was ten. I don’t even know why. I’ve been examined, treated for dozens of times. The doctors never found anything. That’s 40 years of constant suffering, panic attacks, and so on. I took anti depressives for 20 years. Without any success. Unfortunately.

I had a near death experience in 1999. Included the tunnel, the light, dilution of my body and everything.

Then I was hospitalized multiple times., always without any success. The doctors don’t know, what is going on with me.

But back to the theme of this post. As of May, last year, strange things started to happen to me. I suddenly was accepted by my brothers and neighbors. Thank them so much!

I was still broken; my beloved dogs were taken away from me. Due to jealousy in the neighborhood. That was in August 2020. They are dead now. Upon that, I decided to kill me. I drank three bottles of vodka a day. And half a liter of pure alcohol with it. I just wanted it all to end.

But it was not. On the contrary.

In October I was sitting on the balcony, smoking, and my smartphone felt down. I bent to pick it up, in a fast move. And then it made a “crack”. Four ribs were broken, one completely through. Now a toe too.

From there on the story takes a really big change. I could not do much, barely move. But I could still think and write. On November 7th 2020 me and my brothers founded the techno music project www.technoresistance711.org. Because we resist the way current politics is destroying our (sub)culture and way of living. We wrote a Techno Manifest.

And now strange things started to happen. Suddenly I was talking to world famous DJs, (one in pedicular, no names mentioned…), producers, artists, agencies, photographers and so on. It all started very small, now we are active in over 40 countries, from Afghanistan to Peru.

I have cried a lot during this time. So much, that my eyes are seriously inflamed. I cry every day, but not of sorrow, but of happiness. I feel small and humble and thankful, that I have the opportunity to live this all. I have developed new skills and are communicating with people all over the world on a soul and spiritual level.

And please, I’m no fool. People who know me, now that I graduated with best possible grades from school. I have a rational and scientifically schooled mind usually.

There is more. Maybe the most important thing. I get assistance and support from people, I don’t even know. And I have found the love of my life.

But wait. There is even more. After composing and producing techno music I discovered that my music is a bit different. I seek melodies. I play melodies. Big melodies. So, I took myself on a trip into classical music. (playlist on Spotify soon)

And now guess what happened? I listen to melodies, search in old photographs, and realize: It’s always been there! I just have pushed it away all my life. Now I’m talking to world famous pianists, cellists, violin players. Always on the look after that one, all changing melody.

I don’t know at the moment, how this is going to continue or how it will end. Definitely not in my old job. But it is a wonderful journey, and I want, that as many of you are going to follow me in this. I thank you all.

Thank you for reading,

Truly yours


Blogposts Principles


Techno and house music aren’t just music. They are a way of life. A set of values, a way of thinking and feeling. As humans we are all one – and the music brings us together. Let’s join and make the world a better place for everyone. Let’s use this force and energy for the good.

Our concept: We are resistance. We oppose to the current negative political mind setting. Let’s fight for freedom and justice for all. Let’s love each other again – regardless of our cultural background, heritage, race or religion.

Follow on Facebook, Twitter, Soundcloud and on Instagram. Read our manifest and please share. Mail us at technoresistance711@gmail.com